Schedule of events 2025
In addition to competitive shooting our club also has frequent "Fun Shoots" which are open to all members and Guests. Additional events will be added as scheduled. Be sure to check the Atlantic Shoot Schedule on our Facebook page for shoots at other clubs and if pre-registration is recommended for events.
Apr. 17: Skeet League starts
Apr. 19: Charlottetown Open Skeet 4 ga. mini. 200 Skeet ***
May 18: Bill Morell Memorial 4 ga. mini 200 Skeet
May 25 : Sporting fun shoot- 75 Sporting***
June 6-8: Targetdust 4ga. plus 100 dbls. Skeet***
June 19: Skeet League ends.
June 22: Sporting Fun Shoot- 75 Sporting.
June 26: Trap League starts.
July 13: PEI Trap Champs 100 Singles
Aug. 8-10: Atlantic Skeet Champs 4Ga. plus 100 Dbls.***
Aug. 23: PEI Sporting Champs- 100 Sporting ***
Aug. 28: Trap League ends.
Sept. 14: PEI Skeet Champs 4ga. mini 200 Skeet 50 Dbls
Sept. 21: Hunters Warmup 75 Sporting
Dec. 26: Boxing Day Memorial Shoot 50Skeet
Jan. 01: New Years Fun Shoot- 50 Skeet
*** indicates pre registration reccommended.
The club is open on all holidays except Christmas.
Please check out our Facebook page for updates:
The first question most new comers have is "How much does this Sport cost"? Following is a breakdown of shooting expenses.
Annual : Membership - Adult $125 - Senior $100 - Junior $40- Membership includes liability insurance, reduced cost for birds and ammo, unlimited use of club guns, purchase of reloading components at cost and of course a safe and organized shotgun shooting range. Ammo is available for purchase at the club and club shotguns are also on hand for use.
Recurring : Ammo :$12 box of 25 shells for members - $14 - non-members
Clays : $8 per round of 25 for members - $12 - non-members
The average recreational shooter will shoot 2 rounds per week. Our club is open year round so the cost to shoot for 50 weeks would be $2000 ( 12+12= 24 for shells and 16 for birds ) Very comparable to Golf or other Sports which are seasonal. The next question is "What do I need to start" Generally people use a 12 ga. or 20 ga. for most of the shotgun sports. Each has it's own advantages too numerous to mention here but info can be found online comparing the two. Many people use whichever gun that they use for hunting as shooting clay targets is a great way to prepare for hunting season. As most clay games require a fast second shot, pumps, semi auto's, and over/unders are the most common. Safety gear is very important. A good pair of tinted shooting glasses can be had from $25 as well as ear muffs or plugs starting at $15. A shell pouch or bag, that hangs on your belt is handy and can be bought starting at $15. Many shooters use a vest or jacket and some kind of shooting glove. These are not essential and can be added later. One more important element is to take the Canadian Firearms Safety Course and acquire a PAL. This is essential to own a firearm or purchase ammo and to shoot at our Club.
more info at:
Reloading: With the high cost of shells and reloading components these days days, many question the savings that reloading may offer. We are fortunate at our club as one of our members supplies us with home made lead shot at 1/2 the price of other brands. Reloading .410 and 28 ga. still offers savings.
Here's a link to a calculator to do your own research: